Golden State Killa
Does anyone else keep screenshots of nice things their boss says to them in a Google Drive folder for when they're feeling shitty about themselves? Also just any compliments they've ever received in writing? And then a list of qualities they like about themselves in a note in their phone?
Also, when I'm feeling bored and restless I remind myself that I don't have a UTI and I just sit there feeling normal and I feel just so grateful.
(Now that I have an IUD, I have to take like three full seconds before I say UTI, IUD or IED in a conversation because I need to confirm in my head which one is the one I mean)(it's almost never IED, but not never)
Do you think that the last thing Ben Affleck thinks about before he falls asleep at night is his back tattoo? There's no way that isn't persistently tormenting him.
Oh wait SO I had a party a couple of weeks ago to celebrate the arrest of the Golden State Killer, the serial murderer/rapist who had eluded police for 40 years.
For those of us who are true crime oriented, this was a HUGE development. For me personally, it gave me the chance to tell the story of the GSK to multiple people who weren't familiar. This was an opportunity, much like Fyre Festival, to stretch my storytelling muscles with a story that basically tells itself.
There's so much to say, but the most emotional part of the arrest for me is the closure for Michelle McNamara. Michelle was an incredible investigative journalist who spent her entire career searching for this guy and she died, suddenly, two years ago, before he was caught. Her book, finished with the help of her colleagues, was published posthumously, about two months ago.
In a section of the book, she spoke directly to the man who raped over 40 people and killed 12:
"This is how it ends for you. 'You’ll be silent forever, and I’ll be gone in the dark,' you threatened a victim once. Open the door. Show us your face. Walk into the light."